Coaching Packages


Option 1:

One-Off tactical session


You’re stuck, at the point of moving but have a bottleneck preventing you from moving forward.

  • Tactical session to remove the blocks holding you back so you can finally make progress on your goals.

  • Where you’re having trouble deciding which route to take, we’ll go through an effective decision-making framework so you can leave with conviction about what to do.

  • Optimisation on your approach so you have clarity on exactly what you need to do.

  • Construction of an achievable roadmap and milestones for you to hit.

  • Roadmap Templates for you to keep to help

  • 1 x 1.5 hour coaching session.

Closed until Jan 24


Option 2:

8 week: Get unstuck program


Set your life on a new trajectory fast and inject excitement into where your life is heading.

  • Full clarity on which direction you need to head based on what will lead to a fulfilling life for you, not society.

  • Complete mapping of your goals and EXACTLY how you will get there.

  • Fully customised solutions to each and all of the mental barriers that have stopped you from getting there yourself.

  • 1 hour coaching session per week for 8 weeks.

  • Templates + Worksheets & Homework check-ins

    You’ll go from feeling stuck, foggy mind, no direction, to a place where you’ll have clarity structure to follow and be excited about the direction you’re heading.

Open for enrolment - 3 spots left for Jan 2024


Option 3:

3 month Intensive: Become Version 2.0


For those in need of a rapid and complete life change and a new version of themselves.

  • As per the 8-week program, You want a complete overhaul of your life.

  • Complete mapping of your goals and action plan fully customised to you.

  • Intensive accountability to ensure you stay on track with your plan.

  • 3 sessions per week - One-hour full coaching session and 2 x 30 mins accountability/support during the week.

    FOR MAXIMUM PROGRESS. You’ll have full clarity on what to do, it will be exciting, and you will have perfectly spaced, consistent accountability.

Limited spots - CURRENTLY FULL(Dec 2023) Join waitlist for January opening


Get out of the hole you’re in

If you’re fed up of being stuck and have exhausted other options or simply tired of looking and just want to start making progress in your life.

Or you’ve been told by your friends and family that you have have potential and that you should “go for it” but you still remain stuck. You haven’t moved. It only makes you feel worse.

You know guidance and support will help you

No more beating yourself up for not being able to make the change yourself.

My clients often tell me they have a sense of relief when they finally get to feel they can share the burden they’ve been carrying with someone who understands.

Once we begin you will immediately feel the comfort of having the structure you want and the guidance you need to start moving and taking action in a way that feels right for you.

The overwhelming feeling will fade,

and it’s something you will even get excited about it. My clients do!

The fastest and most efficient way to make progress

I specialise in discovering what you want to do with your life and more importantly making tangible steps to seeing it become a reality.

I will help you design a life for the person you wish to become and what will bring you fulfilment.

There is emphasis on managing the mental blocks holding you back, minimising the risks you foresee with your goals and building ultra clear, step-by-step actions plans that are easy to execute and bring you results fast.

Your experience with me

My goal is to help you realise what you really want in life. To do this you will need to face up to some harsh truths.

If you have a seen my content on social media you will know I am straight-talking.

I believe this is necessary because a big part of what holds many people back is the internal resistance to discomfort and desire to hear that things are good. The reality is that they are not, you are here because you want to change.

I will not sugar-coat things because in doing so it does exactly the opposite of what’s intended, delaying progress to where you want to be.

Whilst I am straight talking you will find I am compassionate and understanding. A lot of clients I have worked with have not been exposed to a style of active development. In sports/fitness coaching to reach your full potential your body has to undergo strain to grow, this is similar with your mind, but it also needs to be nurtured and not stretched beyond what it can handle.

I focus on keeping you in this optimal performance window where you are growing but not overstretched or reach overwhelm.

At this point you will also encounter your mental barriers, and this is where we can work through them together.

The Key benefits of coaching

Immediate structure -

The overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to do first - I give you the structure and the tasks to focus on first

Empathy -

If you feel like no one understands your problem the way you do - I will

Someone who will support you when you need it -

When you just need someone to lean on when you’re struggling and you don’t want to keep burdening the same people in your life - I’ll be there to keep you moving and encourage you to keep fighting.

Someone who will push you

When you struggle getting things done and if only you had someone who would give you that boost you need to keep the momentum going - I’ll be there to keep you progressing

A head to bounce your “crazy” ideas

When you’ve got an idea, but you’re afraid or embarrassed to talk about it to your friends/family for fear of judgement - I’ll be there to help you work with it and to work it through to see if it’s viable, all without the judgment.

Decision making frameworks you can trust

When you struggle knowing how to make a decision and you don’t know who to listen to - I will help build the decision making frameworks and systems you can trust. Decisions fatigue and anxiety will fade away.

Strategies to deal with the most difficult problems you face

When you don’t know how best to approach a problem - I will be there to help build a strategy you can follow, immediately ease the overwhelm and get you the progress you want.

What you will gain as a result

  1. Improved self-confidence through results

  2. Confidence in your decision making ability

  3. Momentum with your actions

  4. Traction with your life

Who this is for:

  • You feel stuck in a life rut and are struggling to break free.

  • You feel directionless but are too afraid of taking risks.

  • You want the change but need an easy to follow, step-by-step system to plot the next stage of your life.

  • You feel like you are wasting your life, know you are meant for something more & are ready to find.

  • You want to prove to yourself that you are far more capable

  • You struggle having conviction with your decisions

  • You have low self-confidence

  • You struggle with Imposter Syndrome

    Who this is NOT for:

  • You like being comfortable and coasting through life

  • You don’t mind where you are in life right now

  • You are not prepared to take action and get results

  • You are not serious about making a significant life change.

Progress will start happening quickly and you start moving your life in the right direction with everything on autopilot over the first few weeks. You have to be ready for action

A note:

My focus is on building actions you can take in the real world. What we will work through will get you moving and taking action as quickly and as reasonably as possible.

My clients love the fact that they finally get to start taking action in a way that works for them without pondering and worrying about the best ways to do things and getting overwhelmed by everything.

However, I do want you to bear in mind one thing.

I am not a therapist, for any mental health issues please do seek specialist help and advice.